Tag Archives: Brent Towns

Recon Hoodoo

Issue Number: 5745

Pilot Officer Bob Carter had a hoodoo on him — that’s what everyone said. Any navigator that climbed into the unarmed De Havilland Mosquito reconnaissance plane with that jinxed pilot was marked for death! First, it had been Flight Sergeant Jim Morris, then Riley Nash, and by Mike Croft, it was confirmed. Bob had a […]

Roll Depth Charges

Issue Number: 5721

The HMAS Hibiscus had to be the worst Bathurst-class Corvette in the whole Royal Australian Navy. Its crew was slow and lacked discipline, and its officers weren’t much better. But they were in for a shock, for Commander Bill Turner had been sent in to straighten them out — and he didn’t care how many […]

Steer into Danger

Issue Number: 5715

The salty seadogs are back for another oceanic adventure in the Pacific! In mid-December 1943, the Japanese sent a cruiser squadron south to wreak havoc amongst the Allied shipping lanes. But they never counted on the experienced skippers of HMAS Tiger and HMAS Wombat to put a stop to them before too much damage was […]

Fly Fast, Skipper

Issue Number: 5685

Aussie Flight Lieutenant Dick Thompson’s skill had been hard-won in the deserts of North Africa against the Luftwaffe. But Dick was going to need everything he had to go up against the Japanese Mitsubishi AGM Zero in the air battle over Milne Bay. The Zero was more manoeuvrable than his P-40 Kittyhawk but there was […]

The Amazing Armand

Issue Number: 5661

Abracadabra! Alakazam! Voila! During the war, the Amazing Armand was a two-bit magician performing on Civvy Street. Sure, he could pull a rabbit from a hat or tell you what playing card was behind your ear but the last place you’d expect a conjurer of cheap illusions was on a mission with British Commandos! For […]

Sink the Tiger

Issue Number: 5641

It’s mid-1943 and the unthinkable has happened —HMAS Tiger has been captured by a vengeful Japanese captain who is now using the Tribal‑class destroyer to create havoc amongst allied shipping. The Australian Navy’s most experienced destroyer commander, John Griffin, is called in to solve the problem, his orders: “SINK THE TIGER!” But Griffin knows something […]