The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

Ghost Tiger

Issue Number: 5798

Deep in the steaming jungle of India, where the tiger is king, there dwelt a sinister spirit. It was known as Thuggee Raj, a ghost tiger which nightly prowled the forest paths, striking terror into every heart. Any man who scoffed at it was foolish indeed, for Thuggee Raj had a power no man could […]

The QM’s Storeroom of Secrets

Issue Number: 5797

Ey up, ghouls and creeps! Feast your eyes on Commando’s first‑ever anthology of horror! Included in this creepy Commando are six supernatural tales I’ve collected from my storeroom! From crows to bats, from thieves to murderers and from witches to vampires — there’s something for everyone here in Commando!   Story: Georgia Standen Battle Art: […]

Castle of Doom

Issue Number: 5796

They stood face to face and shook hands like the best of friends. One was Major Pete Lambert and the other, Franz Becker, an officer in the hated German SS. And all around them were hot guns smoking and the acrid smell of war…   Story: Allan Art: Gordon C Livingstone Cover: Gordon C Livingstone

River of Death

Issue Number: 5794

They took Jim Chalmers off Hurricanes because they reckoned he’d lost his nerve, fought too many dogfights with Zeroes. They gave him a lumbering Dakota on a routine job ferrying supplies from one base to another. Jim didn’t like this at all, but he needn’t have worried. There were wilder days coming, days when he […]

The Demon of Selva Oscura

Issue Number: 5793

July 1943. As war rages across Europe, the Italian village of Selva Oscura has grown eerily quiet. Troubled SOE captain, Simon Peters, has been tasked with securing the strategic territory. Unbeknownst to him, the sadistic Oberst Faustmann rules over Selva Oscura with a strange power. Why can none of the villagers escape through the surrounding […]

Ghost Pilot

Issue Number: 5792

Piloting a lurching bomb‑loaded Lancaster through the flame‑lit, shell‑torn night skies of Germany needed nerves of steel. Bomber pilots were a tough, cheery bunch. They had to be. Then into a squadron came the strange, young pilot with pure white hair and burning, bitter eyes, and raids began to go wrong. Bombs were wasted on […]

The Mummy’s Tomb

Issue Number: 5791

Four British soldiers stood on ground untouched for centuries. While the battle for North Africa raged above them, their greedy eyes fixed on the treasure of the ancient Egyptian tomb. Each man took a prize to cash in once the war had ended — canopic jars containing the mummy’s organs. Four men, four jars…each doomed […]

Twice the Danger

Issue Number: 5790

Captain Chris Blower and his company of British paratroopers were assigned a dangerous mission in enemy‑occupied Sicily in 1943. As if that wasn’t tough enough, an American colonel had got in on the act. A real‑life film star with an inflated sense of his own importance, he knew too much about future invasion plans for […]

The Devil’s Road

Issue Number: 5789

You won’t find the name on any maps for this barren, mountainous region, but somehow the Germans had learned about the narrow pass which the local Arabs called “The Devil’s Road”. Now the enemy were about to put their knowledge to lethal use and the two men who had stumbled on their secret and might […]

Jungle Killer

Issue Number: 5788

In the dark, dank jungles  of Vietnam, danger was everywhere. But Sergeant Clint Bryden of the American Forces was at home there — just like a beast of prey, revelling in the shadows and cover. He became so good at this job that before long, even those on his side began to walk in fear […]