Tag Archives: Olivera

Forward the Brave!

Issue Number: 5550

The Allied invasion of France —and every patriotic Frenchman was dedicated to the task of throwing the Nazis out of his country. None more so than Jean le Brave, village teacher, museum curator and fanatical student of the campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte. He saw himself as a master tactician and he was determined to play […]

High Risk Rescue

Issue Number: 5142

Serving on Coastal Motor Boats during the First World War was no joke. 55 feet long, with a top speed of 40 knots, they were uncomfortable and noisy. Their torpedo-launching system was almost as dangerous for their crews as it was for their targets! But now, CMB skipper, Lieutenant Frank Judge had an even more […]

Under Fire!

Issue Number: 5138

Occupied France, 1944. Medical student Jean Valdon was under suspicion by his fellow Frenchmen of collaborating with the Germans. Jean didn’t waste time arguing. He offered his services — and skills — to the hard‑pressed British Army and set out to prove himself… Story: Ian Clark Art: Olivera Cover: Ian Kennedy

Murder in the Clouds

Issue Number: 5122

High over the Channel coasts of England and France, American and British pilots diced with death every day as they took on Hitler’s Luftwaffe. But then, as well as the losses they all saw with their own eyes, other Allied planes began to be mysteriously shot down and a terrible thought occurred to the Allied […]


Issue Number: 4945

Troubled by a past encounter early in his career, Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander Alec Weston soon became a respected, if intense, skipper. He was determined that his submarine, H.M.S. Undefeated, would live up to her name — therefore he pushed his crew and the vessel hard. When ferrying a Special Boat Section assault team on […]