Tag Archives: RAF

Day of Danger

Issue Number: 5120

The Luftwaffe ground crews standing around the German drome gazed upwards in amazement. There, above them, a Royal Air Force Mosquito was circling, undercarriage and flaps down, preparing to make a landing. It looked like a crafty trick of some kind – but no! The Mosquito touched down and rolled to a standstill. The pilot […]

The Waiting Game

Issue Number: 5114

Pilot Officer Bob Barnes was bored. He’d joined the RAF hoping to be a fighter pilot, always in the thick of things. Yet, here he was, a navigator in a Catalina, searching the seemingly endless oceans for U-boats which they never seemed to find. There was none of the action he’d craved, this was more […]

To Be a Pilot…

Issue Number: 5026

…that’s all Jan Solecik wanted. Trouble was, he’d been thrown off pilot training courses and was now stuck in the Polish Army, fighting alongside British troops in the North African desert. As he looked up at the aircraft which fought in the sky above him, not even he could imagine the strange series of events […]