Tag Archives: Sanfeliz

Date with Destiny

Issue Number: 5764

An old woman looked into the palms of three men — an Englishman, a German and a Frenchman — and foretold what strange and fearful fates lay in store for them. She was probably dead by the time the Second World War engulfed Europe in flames but not one of the three ever forgot their […]

Hero in a Hurri

Issue Number: 5548

Buck Leigh was an ace pilot, capable of handling an aircraft in a way that most blokes could only dream about. David Walton had always been insanely jealous of his flying ability, ever since the days before the war when they’d both been in a flying circus. But now Walton had a chance to make […]

Desert Squadron

Issue Number: 5516

The dusty battered Hurricanes ranged far and wide over the desert, guns seeking out Nazi target after target. Every pilot was a crack-shot, men with nerves of steel and the courage of lions. All that was, except Pilot Officer David Groves. No matter how hard he tried, he just never made a success of anything.At […]

Blood in the Sand

Issue Number: 5352

Follow the trail of red, he-man blood into the white heat of the man-killing Western Desert, and you’ll come across a hero… a little runt of a hero called Hank Hale, the one they all laughed at. All, that is, except the Nazis he met up with in the desert. For dead men seldom smile… […]

Steeds of Steel

Issue Number: 5052

Stifling desert heat, low-flying Messerschmitts, craftily-hidden mines: Second Lieutenant Neil Hamilton knew he had to face all these as an armoured car commander. But when he added in a private feud between himself and a fellow officer, he began to wonder how he’d find the time to fight the Jerries.   Story: C. G. Walker Art: Bielsa […]