The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.


Issue Number: 4837
Sniper Zone

Salerno, Italy, 1943. Life as a sniper suited Lance-Corporal Eric Shaw. He had seen a lot of mates die after a couple of tragic accidents and now he had become a loner – guilty that he had survived when they hadn’t. His sharp-shooting skills improved with each day and he tried to help out any […]


Issue Number: 4836
Rocket Blitz

Purple with rage, the Luftwaffe squadron leader shook his fist at the lone Typhoon disappearing over the horizon. All around him, shattered planes and burning hangars covered his blitzed airfield, victims of one pilot. And on the airfield in Belgium a British squadron leader scanned the horizon for the same plane. He was furious too. […]


Issue Number: 4835
Voyage Of The Eagles

Luke Carrick was unexpectedly “press-ganged” into Royal Navy service at the height of the Napoleonic Wars in the early 19th Century. Serving on board the HMS Hera, a frigate, Luke’s resentment at his treatment and loathing of authority steadily grew as the ship embarked on a series of increasingly dangerous voyages. Luke’s older brother, Silas, […]


Issue Number: 4834
The Man Who Was Afraid

What makes a good fighter pilot? It’s mostly skill, and Charles Crombie had plenty of that. But it isn’t only skill – you also need to be able to fly through a hail of bullets and flak threatening to hack you out of the sky at any minute. And that was what Charles was afraid […]


Issue Number: 4833
Ramsey's Raiders: The Desert Duel

Captain Jimmy Ramsey and his maverick Special Raiding Force were used to doing their own thing – dangerous hit-and-run raids deep behind enemy lines. So, during the battle of El Alamein in autumn 1942, when the Raiders were teamed with a Long Range Desert Group unit to capture an isolated German airfield, tensions mounted between […]


Issue Number: 4831
Flight Of The Furies

In 1939, confident young Pilot Officer Duncan Marlow fell foul of an obnoxious C.O. and was posted out of the way to Griffin Island – a small garrison off Africa’s West Coast. Discipline was lax and the Governor was untrustworthy. He was on friendly terms with the Germans who were stationed nearby, even though War […]


Issue Number: 4830
Appointment In Cairo

Cairo – Egypt’s capital city and British General Headquarters in the Middle East, nerve centre of the Allied campaign in North Africa. A city filled with soldiers, sailors, airmen…but also a city teeming with spies and agents, men who would stop at nothing to get the information they needed…then send back to their own headquarters […]


Issue Number: 4829
Operation Double Bluff

After seeing his fellow Paratroop squad soldiers brutally killed by Germans in enemy-occupied Holland – and being shot himself and left to die – Lieutenant Ralph Loach was a man determined to settle the score. Newly transferred to war-battered Berlin with the Intelligence Corps, could Ralph put aside his quest for revenge long enough to […]


Issue Number: 4828
One False Move

“Unexploded bomb!” That dreaded cry would send shivers down the spine of the bravest man. Yet, for Lieutenant Bill Seddon of the Bomb Disposal Company, it was all in the line of duty. Every day he faced the task of defusing these devilish devices with the same outward coolness. But now the strain was beginning […]