Tag Archives: Lopez Espi

Death Patrol

Issue Number: 5436

Lieutenant Bob Hanson woke up, instantly alert, as the strong beam of an electric torch illuminated the dark corners of the cave he was sheltering in. Then he relaxed when he saw the men at the cave mouth were kitted out in British paratrooper uniform. Bob knew these men were amongst the finest, highly‑trained soldiers […]

Iron Cross Tommy

Issue Number: 5392

Dick Clark was a fully-trained British Commando. He could put a bullet through the target every time, fight savagely with bare hands or a knife — and win! He was the kind of man who would strike fear into an enemy’s heart. How then did he end up in German uniform, the toast of the […]

Big Joe

Issue Number: 5232

“Battling Barton”, British heavyweight champ, became Sergeant Joe Barton by the time D-Day dawned. No-one got ahead of Joe when the great advance started. By boot, gun, and rock-hard fist, Joe smashed his way across Europe, searching for one cruel Nazi who’d once tricked and beaten him in the ring – SS Captain Kurt Kleiner. […]

Black Schneider

Issue Number: 5168

For Sergeant Bill Kane this was the last straw. Bill had run up against “Black Schneider” — Nazi Major Schneider and his mobile desert commandos — the most feared striking force in the desert. Schneider squashed Bill’s little force as carelessly as he’d have squashed a beetle under his gleaming black jackboots. A solid year […]

The Deadly Game

Issue Number: 5032

With weapons and ammunition stolen from the Nazis, two British soldiers lurked in the ragged hills of Crete, keeping alive by always shooting first – and never missing. And on the plains below, Major Joachim Mauch ranted at his crack paratroopers as they failed time after time to bring these two desperate men to a […]

Ghost Patrol

Issue Number: 4999

When Jim Hughes, tough British foot soldier, started to take incredible risks in battle – and survived – his mates didn’t know what to make of it. Enemy bullets continually missed him by inches, while other British soldiers fell. It looked like he was living a charmed life – and he was! Jim was sure […]


Issue Number: 4892
Break Through

Time and after time, one British company outsmarted the Germans in Crete. If the Nazis planned a sneak-raid and began it five miles away, the British knew at once – and were ready for them. If a Stuka dive-bombing attack was decided on, they got into hiding an hour before it began. They knew exactly […]


Issue Number: 4880

Everybody had thought a lot of Inspector Harry Andrews of the Malayan Police. He was a real man, all guts. Pity he had been captured and probably killed by the Japanese when the invasion over-ran his outpost. He’d put up quite a fight, though. Then, there was his brother, Colin – just a war correspondent, […]