Tag Archives: American

Operation Castaway

Issue Number: 5008

Put General “Fireball” Flynn at the head of a squad of U.S. Marines, and they’d charge a Japanese force ten times their size. Flynn knew only one way to fight – head on every time! So, stranded, alone on a Pacific island, with a force of Japanese soldiers hunting him down, Flynn drew his pistol […]


Issue Number: 4964
Yankee Buddy - cover by Cortiella

When one lone Commando was transferred to the U.S. Marines, every eye was on him from the moment they hit the Japanese-held beaches. How was his shooting? How was his nerve? Did he know his stuff? Every bullet-lashed yard was a testing ground for Commando Jacky Dean, who carried the proud reputation of all the […]


Issue Number: 4961
The Stone Forest

Clarke Johnson was a reconnaissance pilot during America’s clash with Mexico in the early 20th Century. His aircraft grounded, Clarke found himself in an uneasy alliance with an Apache-born former U.S. Cavalryman and together they were fighting Pancho Villa’s Mexican revolutionaries. Things looked bleak – as bleak as the eerie burial site that hid a […]


Issue Number: 4925
The Flying Cowboy

John “Bronco” Bronson was a ranch hand in Arizona who became interested in fledgling flying machines such as the Wright model B. With World War I at its peak in Europe, the American wanted to do his duty, even though the United States had not yet joined the conflict. He enlisted with the Royal Flying […]


Issue Number: 4921
A Soldier's Legacy

Private Steve Kirby was very skilled and more than ready for the tough basic training that he and his fellow new recruits had to endure in the spring of 1944. Eventually the instructors wanted to know why Steve seemed to have an advantage over everyone else. The dedicated conscript revealed that has father had been […]


Issue Number: 4919
Seeing Red

Second Lieutenant Wesley Muldoon was a gifted but hot-headed U.S. air force pilot. Before being called up he had studied politics at university and held unpopular communist beliefs. Seizing a chance to ferry an aircraft to America’s Soviet allies, Muldoon was delighted to see Russia for himself. Soon he even became part of a Russian […]


Issue Number: 4917
Death on The Ground

In 1963, in the skies above a group of remote islands in the South Pacific, many military aircraft disappeared without trace — so many, if fact, that the area became known as the “New Guinea Triangle”. When R.A.F. Flight Lieutenant Jon Day, and his C.O., Squadron Leader Richard Gibson, became embroiled in the mystery, they […]


Issue Number: 4888
Codeword - "Torch"

One man held the key to the operation called by the codeword – “TORCH” – the huge Allied invasion of North Africa. His name was Pete Macrory, a Canadian in the Royal Engineers – and nobody trusted him an inch. To find out why, and what made Pete tick in his own peculiar way, you […]


Issue Number: 4877
Tunnels Of Death

When he was drafted to serve in the Vietnam war, young Joe Wright was nicknamed “Stumpy” because of his small stature. However, his lack of height unexpectedly became an asset. Recruited to join the ranks of Rat 6 – the elite “Tunnel Rats” who fought the Vietcong enemy in a labyrinth of claustrophobic caverns, Joe […]