Tag Archives: E. Hebden

Desert Fox

Issue Number: 5760

“The Ghost” — that was the British soldiers’ nickname for the solitary German tank which would appear mysteriously out of the desert wastes to create havoc, and then just as strangely disappear. Its tracks could never be seen, and everybody reckoned it was unstoppable — everybody, that is, except Sergeant Greg Fox. Greg decided to […]

Black Schneider

Issue Number: 5168

For Sergeant Bill Kane this was the last straw. Bill had run up against “Black Schneider” — Nazi Major Schneider and his mobile desert commandos — the most feared striking force in the desert. Schneider squashed Bill’s little force as carelessly as he’d have squashed a beetle under his gleaming black jackboots. A solid year […]

Hunt the Killer

Issue Number: 5036

Down, down, down screamed the Hurribombers, their pilots letting the bombs go only at the last possible second. Their target was a chateau which sheltered Brigadefuhrer Helmut Groot, the Nazi killer whose very name put shivers down the spine of all who heard it. And in case the bombs failed, Captain Steve Simpson and a […]