Tag Archives: Ian Kennedy

Last Laugh

Issue Number: 5668

Pilot Officer Andy Howard and his crew were really up against it. Forced to crash-land in the snowy wastes of occupied Norway, they had started out on foot to deliver their Lanc’s cargo of urgently-needed weapons to the resistance. Now an enemy ski patrol had stumbled on them, and despite the fight Andy and his […]


Issue Number: 5666

The small band of freedom fighters were a very mixed bunch —Italian partisans, escaped prisoners-of-war, and Italian army deserters. Now they waited tensely for the signal to open fire on their target below. That target was a convoy of German lorries, led by one of the most cruel and ruthless officers in the SS —a […]

Demon of Darkness

Issue Number: 5652

Twenty thousand feet up in the black void of the night over England. Nerves tense, mouth dry, hand clutching the control column, thumb hovering over the firing button, eyes straining out into the dark as the thundering engines pull you into the nothingness ahead of you. That’s what it’s like to be a night-fighter pilot… […]

Fire in the Forest

Issue Number: 5646

They called themselves Werewolves. They dressed all in black and operated only at night, in the forests of southern Germany. Riding powerful motorcycles, they swept into British camps and fuel dumps, killing, wrecking and burning, then vanished. Where did these devils of the dark come from and where would they start the next fire in […]

Beware Your Friends

Issue Number: 5644

It’s a dicey business attacking Nazi armoured columns. When you’re flying at 400 mph, hurtling over hedges and trees and dodging the flak, your reactions have to be lightning‑fast, your decisions made in split seconds. Danger is ever‑present, but there’s double danger when rockets and cannon shells start coming at you —fired from behind!   […]

The Fighting Fisherman

Issue Number: 5642

Trawler crews may not look as smart or disciplined as the men of the Royal Navy, but they have an instinct about the sea that is bred in their bones. So when war broke out, the Germans began sowing mines in Britain’s vital shipping lanes, many of these fishing boats were given a new and […]

Bombs Gone

Issue Number: 5638

The Japanese fighter screamed in to attack the Blenheim —but suddenly the bomber dodged aside, leaving the astounded Japanese pilot firing at thin air! At the controls of the British aircraft was Sergeant Ron Elliot, a natural pilot who was an ace whatever plane he was flying. The trouble was, he knew it. And his […]