Tag Archives: Ian Kennedy

Undercover Agent

Issue Number: 5684

Why were a dozen German paratroopers being flown into British-occupied territory? And why was there a mixed bunch of black-marketeers to greet them? There was certainly more to this than met the eye, and Captain Don Burke, a British undercover agent, was determined to find out what was going on. Story: RA Montague Art: Galindo […]

Last Laugh

Issue Number: 5668

Pilot Officer Andy Howard and his crew were really up against it. Forced to crash-land in the snowy wastes of occupied Norway, they had started out on foot to deliver their Lanc’s cargo of urgently-needed weapons to the resistance. Now an enemy ski patrol had stumbled on them, and despite the fight Andy and his […]

Medal for a Mule

Issue Number: 5660

Equus asinus — that’s the proper Latin name for the weirdest weapon used by the Allies in the Second World War. It sounds unusual, but in fact it’s only the name for a common pack-mule. And the story of how one particular mule, a Commando squad, and a hotch-potch of assorted Greeks went into battle […]

Demon of Darkness

Issue Number: 5652

Twenty thousand feet up in the black void of the night over England. Nerves tense, mouth dry, hand clutching the control column, thumb hovering over the firing button, eyes straining out into the dark as the thundering engines pull you into the nothingness ahead of you. That’s what it’s like to be a night-fighter pilot… […]

The Camera Never Lies

Issue Number: 5650

His Tommy gun spitting a deadly hail of lead, Major Sam Fowler fought a glorious action through the shell-torn battlefields of France to the retreat at Dunkirk, earning himself a Victoria Cross for his acts of bravery. Hailed as a credit to his regiment and his country, Fowler settled down to a life as a […]

Fire in the Forest

Issue Number: 5646

They called themselves Werewolves. They dressed all in black and operated only at night, in the forests of southern Germany. Riding powerful motorcycles, they swept into British camps and fuel dumps, killing, wrecking and burning, then vanished. Where did these devils of the dark come from and where would they start the next fire in […]