Tag Archives: RA Montague

The Secret Torpedo

Issue Number: 5770

Lieutenant Bob Warren was an expert at defusing German bombs and mines and was quite used to odd hours and strange workplaces. So when he was awakened in the middle of the night and told there was another job to be done, he wasn’t too concerned. But when he realised that his destination was enemy-occupied […]

The Line-shooter

Issue Number: 5718

Flying Officer Hubert Shank seemed to be a daring, resourceful character. He’d done everything from motor-racing to smuggling… or so he said. So when he and his crew had to force-land their Whitley in Germany, you could bet Hubert would have a few tricks up his sleeve to aid their escape… if his stories were […]

The Hi-Jackers

Issue Number: 5708

The war seemed far away as the cargo ship Baripore Star steamed peacefully along through the blue Indian Ocean. She had only one four-inch gun bolted to her after-deck, and her crew reckoned they’d never have to use it. But in the sky above, a certain plane was making towards her, and in the water […]

Undercover Agent

Issue Number: 5684

Why were a dozen German paratroopers being flown into British-occupied territory? And why was there a mixed bunch of black-marketeers to greet them? There was certainly more to this than met the eye, and Captain Don Burke, a British undercover agent, was determined to find out what was going on. Story: RA Montague Art: Galindo […]

Last Laugh

Issue Number: 5668

Pilot Officer Andy Howard and his crew were really up against it. Forced to crash-land in the snowy wastes of occupied Norway, they had started out on foot to deliver their Lanc’s cargo of urgently-needed weapons to the resistance. Now an enemy ski patrol had stumbled on them, and despite the fight Andy and his […]

Beware Your Friends

Issue Number: 5644

It’s a dicey business attacking Nazi armoured columns. When you’re flying at 400 mph, hurtling over hedges and trees and dodging the flak, your reactions have to be lightning‑fast, your decisions made in split seconds. Danger is ever‑present, but there’s double danger when rockets and cannon shells start coming at you —fired from behind!   […]

The Fighting Fisherman

Issue Number: 5642

Trawler crews may not look as smart or disciplined as the men of the Royal Navy, but they have an instinct about the sea that is bred in their bones. So when war broke out, the Germans began sowing mines in Britain’s vital shipping lanes, many of these fishing boats were given a new and […]