Tag Archives: Jaume Forns

A Tank Called Tempest

Issue Number: 5111

When an Australian, a Kiwi, a South African and an Englishman step into a tank – sparks are sure to fly! Lieutenant Ranald Booker had to write an article about cooperation between the Commonwealth nations. But, despite being confronted with fighting the Germans and Italians in North Africa, some troops were more interested in scrapping with […]

Forgotten Hero

Issue Number: 5093

Only the toughest and most tenacious troops could make it in the Commandos – that’s why the training was so formidable… and not everyone survived… So, when former Corporal Jim Main failed his training in 1945, he self-exiled to the Highlands, becoming a gamekeeper. But little did he know that decades later, the faces from […]

Troubled Times

Issue Number: 5071

It was 1918, and in the cold dead of the night over the trenches, German troopers crawled across the muddy, blood-soaked landscape. For Feldwebel Kurt Woden and Unteroffizer Johann Aachen it was just another night raid on British lines, but for Leutnant Erwin Horch it was his first terrifying mission… Then, The Great War ended […]

Falsely Accused!

Issue Number: 5055

During the chaos of the Dunkirk retreat, units were scattered under fire from German aircraft. Many soldiers were left alone, separated from their squadrons. Some took this opportunity to scavenge valuables. So, when Private Bill Wilson wandered alone into a ruined French village with a bag of looted treasure, Sergeant Thomson did not believe Bill’s […]

The Sniper

Issue Number: 5045

Sergeant David Woking perched in his sniper’s nest. He peered through his sights as an S.S. officer’s Totenkopft glinted in the dappled sunlight. His finger tensed and the Nazi tasted lead. Despite David’s immense skill as a marksman, his arrogant C.O. Major George Smith and his crony, Lieutenant Digby Clark, had a low opinion of […]

The Castle

Issue Number: 5025

Flanked by forests and a vast lake, Castle Falcone stood isolated, the prisoners inside eager for their release. The Third Reich was on its knees but an S.S. Squadron was heading to Castle Falcone – their orders to liquidate the prisoners. No one would have ever expected an unlikely alliance of Germans, Americans and Italians […]

Patrol Boat Prisoners

Issue Number: 5009

Autumn, 1944, and American was out for blood. In the waters of the western Pacific, three U.S. navy patrol torpedo boats were on the lookout for enemy vessels when they spotted a Yaeyama Minelayer. The Japanese ship was decimated. Scanning the destruction, Lieutenant Mark Murdoch noticed two lone survivors who were soon to become… PATROL […]

American Eagles

Issue Number: 5003

By 1940, the United States still hadn’t entered the Second World War but many volunteer pilots, like Lieutenant Eddie ‘Mac’ MacDonald, ventured across the Atlantic to join up. These brave men and their formations were known as Eagle Squadrons. Following the events of Pearl Harbour, America was catapulted into battle. With some action already under […]

Mountain Strike

Issue Number: 4985
Mountain Strike, cover by Janek Matysiak

Lieutenant Alan Barkley was tasked with assembling a team to embark on a special ground mission, deep behind enemy lines in Burma. These soldiers would face gruelling conditions, putting their skills to the test, all whilst carrying a 3.7 inch calibre howitzer up treacherous mountain peaks. Rookie medic, Ben Ellis, did not expect to be […]


Issue Number: 4949
Flying Feud

As a tail gunner on an Avro Lancaster bomber, Sergeant Lex Duffield was used to danger in the sky. However, more even danger soon appeared in the unlikely form of a fellow Lanc rear gunner — the reckless and short-tempered Sergeant Tommy Deakin — and inevitably they clashed. Fate soon intervened and they faced a […]