Tag Archives: Ferg Handley

Ramsey’s Raiders: Hijacked Jeeps!

Issue Number: 5741

Ramsey’s Raiders: the ragtag group of mavericks on wheels! The mounted Special Raiding Force were carnage on a chassis but what are the Raiders without their jeeps? Well they were about to find out as they returned from an ambush to find their jeeps missing in action!   Story: Ferg Handley Art: Carlos Pino Cover: […]

Monty’s Marauder’s: Machine-gun Mayhem

Issue Number: 5695

The fighting men of the First World War are back, as Monty’s Marauders return to wreak havoc on the Kaiser’s men! Autumn 1915, and Second Lieutenant Aubrey Monteith’s superiors have planned a local offensive aimed at reducing a salient and straightening out the British lines. This meant plenty of work for the Marauders, as they […]

Tooth and Nail

Issue Number: 5663

You might think life isn’t very exciting for an army dentist, but Lieutenant Keith Hooper certainly didn’t have a boring life during the Battle of Crete! As invading German paratroopers fell from the skies, Keith gritted his teeth and jumped into the action! Surviving by the skin of his teeth, Keith was captured and sent […]

Divided Aces

Issue Number: 5658

Squadron Leader Jack Pearson was beginning to wonder if his first command might be his last. English‑born Jack was determined to make the most of his posting to a base outside Edinburgh —even if the locals were less than friendly about his, and his fellow countrymen’s, presence. As if that wasn’t enough, added to the […]

Fatal Contact

Issue Number: 5657

From the first day it arrived in Korean skies, the F-86 Sabre was the boss of the air war over that country. Only the Russian MIG-15 could come close, but it was still outclassed. Then without warning, entire formations of Sabres began to disappear without a trace. It was clear that they were being lost […]