Tag Archives: Jeff Bevan

They Called Him Traitor

Issue Number: 5782

When France was overrun and occupied by the Germans in 1940, everyone had to come to terms with the situation. Most Frenchmen accepted the occupation, many fought with the Resistance, but some actively helped the Germans. These people were collaborators, the worst kind of traitor. Rene Latouche and his father were well known to be […]

Some Kind of Hero

Issue Number: 5774

In a desperate race against time, Arnold Ragley dragged the unconscious driver from the burning truck and began stumbling to safety with him. Why the hurry? Because he knew that the truck was filled with high explosive! It was a heroic action… which was strange, because Arnold Ragley had never been a hero and never […]

The Secret Torpedo

Issue Number: 5770

Lieutenant Bob Warren was an expert at defusing German bombs and mines and was quite used to odd hours and strange workplaces. So when he was awakened in the middle of the night and told there was another job to be done, he wasn’t too concerned. But when he realised that his destination was enemy-occupied […]

Rescue Patrol

Issue Number: 5754

Life for Bob Wallis, a sailor aboard one of the many rescue launches that scoured the seas searching for ditched airmen, was never easy. And now, as the vessel approached one of the special rescue floats, the crew tensed, for they had no idea who would be sheltering inside it – British or German. But […]

The Fighting Fugitives

Issue Number: 5750

They were twelve convicted criminals destined for the glasshouse, with only one military police sergeant and a naval petty officer to look after them on the dangerous trek through enemy territory. Some hoped they could make a break for it and escape their punishment, others realised it could be their chance to show that they […]

Fighting Fool!

Issue Number: 5734

As a member of a group of hit-and-run raiders operating behind enemy lines, Corporal Mike Braddon knew a man needed strong nerves and raw courage to survive. But he also had the common sense to realise that charging blindly into battle wasn’t the answer. That’s where he disagreed with Private Joe Russel whose bull-at-the-gate attitude […]

The Line-shooter

Issue Number: 5718

Flying Officer Hubert Shank seemed to be a daring, resourceful character. He’d done everything from motor-racing to smuggling… or so he said. So when he and his crew had to force-land their Whitley in Germany, you could bet Hubert would have a few tricks up his sleeve to aid their escape… if his stories were […]

Renegade Sergeant

Issue Number: 5690

After he escaped from the police in London, safecracker Bert Devlin changed his name and joined the army in an attempt to shake off his past. He thought he’d managed it too — until he was stopped by an MP one day who turned out to be the policeman he’d clobbered while escaping!   Story: […]

Death in the Desert

Issue Number: 5648

When Lieutenant Neil Andrews found himself press‑ganged into the bunch of ruffians known as “Portland’s Pirates”, his welcome wasn’t a happy one. As the brutal Sergeant Nick Kearney said, “This ain’t no Boy Scout troop. There’s just one way to get out of our mob, and that’s feet‑first!” Yes, being one of Portland’s Pirates could […]