Tag Archives: V. Fuente


Issue Number: 5768

Mitch Mitchell had had his fill of the army. He’d lost his corporal’s stripes when they busted him for taking a swipe at an officer. But by hard work and guts, he eventually climbed back to the dizzy heights of sergeant. But then he’d lost his temper once more… and bang went his stripes again. […]

Operation Bulldog

Issue Number: 5756

As the Allies poured men and equipment onto the Normandy beaches in the attempt to smash their way into Hitler’s Europe, many weird and secret weapons were used in action for the very first time. Yet none of these secret weapons were anything like that of Private “Knuckles” MacNeil…the hero who stormed ashore with the […]

The Bamboo Cage

Issue Number: 5740

To the crump of grenades and rattle of machine guns that echoed through the Burmese jungle in World War Two, a new sound was added… the twang of bow strings and the hiss of arrows flying through the air. And to the Japanese that sound brought terror. For it meant Captain David Heywood and his […]

The Desperate Men

Issue Number: 5712

Cut off far behind enemy lines, you’re fighting to get back to your own troops. For food and ammunition you have to rely on what you can steal, and for transport — well, it’s your own aching feet, for mile after weary mile. Of course, you could always steal a car from the nearest enemy […]

Flying Frogmen

Issue Number: 5600

No‑one had thought of it before. Frogmen, experts in underwater sabotage, were given training —as parachutists. Now they could fly in at the dead of night, release their ‘chutes as they hit the water, then go about their silent deeds of destruction.   Story: Finley-Day Art: V Fuente Cover: Penalva

Deadly Rendezvous

Issue Number: 5572

Lieutenant Ken Miller and Sergeant Bill Blunden had a most important mission — to give the Germans as much information about the Allied invasion of Europe as possible. Heading into enemy-occupied France on a foggy night in May 1944, the pair had a date with danger to keep. How could they know what lay ahead? […]

The Long Trek

Issue Number: 5440

His name was Mike Stone. He was a British Army sergeant who’d been stranded in the jungle with four British prisoners — deserters and troublemakers on their way to a military prison in Rangoon. Normally it would have been just a routine job — but this time their route ran through Japanese territory. And Mike […]