Tag Archives: Gentry

Date with Destiny

Issue Number: 5764

An old woman looked into the palms of three men — an Englishman, a German and a Frenchman — and foretold what strange and fearful fates lay in store for them. She was probably dead by the time the Second World War engulfed Europe in flames but not one of the three ever forgot their […]

Legion Vendetta

Issue Number: 5746

A first-class soldier in the French Foreign Legion and a crack pilot in the RAF – Jeff Daly had been both during his exciting, hectic life. He’d been to many places and met many people, but the one man he would never forget was his brutal Legion sergeant. If their paths crossed ever again, one […]

Valley of Flame

Issue Number: 5744

Sergeant Bull Moore, a tough veteran who’d been in more tight corners than he could remember, had never met an officer like Lieutenant Stephen Wylie before. Stephen wore glasses, was timid as a mouse, and wasn’t even sure how to fire his own revolver! He’d even been known to chuck grenades at Nazis without taking […]

In for the Kill

Issue Number: 5616

The young pilot officer could hardly believe his ears. But there was no mistaking the grim seriousness on the face of the Air Commadore, no question that he meant exactly what he had said…“I want you to go over to France and kill my son.”   Story: Gentry Art: Gordon C Livingstone Cover: Ian Kennedy […]

Jack’s Private War

Issue Number: 5575

“A splinter of metal is lodged in your heart. If it moves, you will die.” These words struck Flight Lieutenant Jack Hammond like a hammer blow. His immediate thought was to lie still, keep quiet, not move. But then he reasoned — if I’ve got to go, I might as well go out fighting! It […]

The Deadly Game

Issue Number: 5032

With weapons and ammunition stolen from the Nazis, two British soldiers lurked in the ragged hills of Crete, keeping alive by always shooting first – and never missing. And on the plains below, Major Joachim Mauch ranted at his crack paratroopers as they failed time after time to bring these two desperate men to a […]