Tag Archives: Carlos Pino


Issue Number: 4867
Five Mile Snipers

It was the ultimate insult, being called “Five Mile Snipers” – with a sneering tone this phrase accused artillery gunners of being tucked safely out of harm’s way, a large distance from the front line. After a run-in with American Army Ranger officer, Sergeant Stan Wilkins, who was in charge of a battery of 25-pounder […]


Issue Number: 4843

Thomas Hatfield decided that a farmer’s life wasn’t him and decided to join his local regiment, the Lancashire Light Foot. Soon he was plunged into the tumultuous events of the Napoleonic Wars. He was sickened by the villainy of a crooked sergeant and his cronies, in addition to the threat from the opposing French army […]


Issue Number: 4823

The wars started with a peasant’s revolt in Paris and ended beside an obscure farmhouse in Belgium. Over nearly three decades, France, her armies and her new emperor turned Europe into a cauldron of conflict. Henri Durant and Jean Tavere were just two of the thousands of men whose lives were turned upside down in […]


Issue Number: 4793
The Rogue Mission

The Home Guard never served overseas, did they? And they certainly didn’t take their improvised armoured vehicles to the east of Africa to fight Axis forces, did they? Of course they didn’t. Or did they? A bunch of Home Guardsmen from Hecklethwaite might beg to differ, for they know the story of… The Rogue Mission


Issue Number: 4785
Burden Of Command

The accepted wisdom is that to command a group of fighting men, a leader needs to inspire. Sometimes he needs to inspire confidence, sometimes loyalty…and sometimes fear. Flight Lieutenant Garry Fraser didn’t really agree with the accepted wisdom; he was one of the lads and in his mind that’s how things would stay when he […]