Tag Archives: Carlos Pino

Ramsey’s Raiders: Hijacked Jeeps!

Issue Number: 5741

Ramsey’s Raiders: the ragtag group of mavericks on wheels! The mounted Special Raiding Force were carnage on a chassis but what are the Raiders without their jeeps? Well they were about to find out as they returned from an ambush to find their jeeps missing in action!   Story: Ferg Handley Art: Carlos Pino Cover: […]

Baba Yaga

Issue Number: 5729

Metal seared against metal, Tiger tanks burning bright in the glow of the inferno they spread over Europe. One soldier would face them, taking on the fiery demons. He needed help though, healed by a witch in the woods and given three tasks to complete. But could he trust this woman whose house stood raised […]

The Flying Fool

Issue Number: 5703

When an RAF Hurricane cadet with a taste for practical jokes and horseplay is sent to a backwater squadron in India, he doesn’t let it dampen his spirits. What he didn’t know was things were about to get a lot worse! After pulling a prank on the wrong person, Pilot Officer Billy West is moved […]

Monty’s Marauder’s: Machine-gun Mayhem

Issue Number: 5695

The fighting men of the First World War are back, as Monty’s Marauders return to wreak havoc on the Kaiser’s men! Autumn 1915, and Second Lieutenant Aubrey Monteith’s superiors have planned a local offensive aimed at reducing a salient and straightening out the British lines. This meant plenty of work for the Marauders, as they […]

Operation Nachthexen

Issue Number: 5682

The German forces that invaded the Soviet Union had much to fear once the Russians’ fightback got into its stride. For the Russians are fearsome warriors when roused. What the Germans feared more than anything was the night. For that was when the Nachthexen – the night witches – flew. Because, you see, when the […]

Super Soldiers!

Issue Number: 5681

It just was not possible. No soldier, no matter how well trained or fanatical, could keep pace with a speeding jeep — and then run even faster. But that is exactly what had been witnessed by the sole survivor of a badly-mauled British unit. The war was all but won, the German forces on their […]

No Score Nixon

Issue Number: 5680

Rookie pilot Tim Nixon was keen to open his account against the Luftwaffe. But somehow his score sheet stayed blank – and he began to wonder if his lack of success was due to bad luck, or if he was just a no-hoper. Somehow he had to prove himself and silence the taunts of his […]

Demon Driver

Issue Number: 5679

The flickering flames, the searching burst of German bullets, the creaking of the old bridge. It all added up to dangers to be overcome, no doubt about it. But for Corporal Tony Wiggins the biggest threat was in his own head where a demon lurked which, so far, he had not been able to control. […]


Issue Number: 5647

In the distant future of the 23rd century, humankind is fighting a war for survival, locked in a struggle against a new kind of enemy —machines. Controlled by an artificial intelligence known as Zero-Sum, these war machines are dedicated to one purpose —the annihilation of the human race! The only thing that can stop Zero-Sum […]