Tag Archives: Eastern Front

Kampfgruppe Falken: The Point Of No Return

Issue Number: 5759

The Original Warlord character storms back into comics! In 1940, Major Heinz Falken was a panzer commander court martialled for refusing to massacre refugees in the Blitzkrieg of France. As punishment, Falken was sentenced to serve in a penal battalion on the brutal Eastern Front, under the cruel command of General Heiss. Between Heiss’ cruelty, […]

Baba Yaga

Issue Number: 5729

Metal seared against metal, Tiger tanks burning bright in the glow of the inferno they spread over Europe. One soldier would face them, taking on the fiery demons. He needed help though, healed by a witch in the woods and given three tasks to complete. But could he trust this woman whose house stood raised […]

Comrade Coward

Issue Number: 5493

It is easy for an officer to prove their bravery in battle, less so for a private, and YegorDobryninwas not afraid of anything, even standing up to his corrupt superiors. But Yegor should have been afraid, for soon they decided that he should disappear, with a nefarious plan to send him to Siberia to be […]

Survive Leningrad!

Issue Number: 5467

Leningrad, 1941. The city was under siege, chewing up lives and spitting out the bones. Away from the safety of the medical centres and among the frenzy on the front lines was military surgeon Doctor Sergei Zaitsev. A doctor with a mission, he was determined to heal Leningrad and fight against the festering horde of […]

We are the Winter

Issue Number: 5443

Operation Barbarossa — when the Germans betrayed their Soviet allies and invaded Russia. They had the might of the Third Reich behind them and summer on their side. But seasons change quickly in Russia… Partisan leader Olga Goncharova was not afraid of the Germans. She stormed her enemies, cold and deadly as ice, swift as arctic […]

Flak Crew

Issue Number: 5441

For the crew of an 88mm Flak gun on the Eastern Front, life was tough. Not only did they have blistering‑cold Russian winters to contend with — but also wet and muddy autumns, meagre supplies, thin watery soups, deadly Jabos attacks, brutish enemy tanks, along with the endless waves of determined Soviet soldiers. What started […]

The Girls on the Guns

Issue Number: 5417

August 1942. Stalingrad. As a Panzer army headed straight towards the Stalingrad Tractor Factory with foul intent, the only thing that could stop them was the anti-aircraft batteries on the outskirts of the city. The crews were inexperienced, many of them made up of young women barely out of their teens. But for the girls […]

Tank Wife

Issue Number: 5311

“My husband was killed defending the Motherland. I decided I wanted to personally take revenge on the fascist dogs for his death. I won’t stop until every German in Russia has tasted every ounce of my anger… sometimes I’m so angry I can’t even breathe.” The driver of a T-34 tank named ‘Wife’ was no […]

Red Snow

Issue Number: 5309

Just outside the beleaguered city of Stalingrad, German and Russian soldiers were trapped by a blizzard on the steppes. As the bitter cold gnawed at their bones, each man wished to be away from the freezing, howling winds. But the cold wasn’t the only thing out in the dark wasteland as bloody pawprints tracked through […]

Terror on the Tundra

Issue Number: 5083

Fighting in the Kola Peninsula, high in the polar latitude of the Russian tundra, the Eastern Front was awash in white, hiding the skilled Sami soldiers who hunted in the snow. These stealthy fighters fought for both sides of the war, earning fear and admiration… British Naval Officer Gavin Wright and Royal Artillery Bombardier Jim […]