Tag Archives: Gordon C Livingstone

In for the Kill

Issue Number: 5616

The young pilot officer could hardly believe his ears. But there was no mistaking the grim seriousness on the face of the Air Commadore, no question that he meant exactly what he had said…“I want you to go over to France and kill my son.”   Story: Gentry Art: Gordon C Livingstone Cover: Ian Kennedy […]

Silent Danger

Issue Number: 5614

Out of the murky depths they came, wreaking havoc in Gibraltar harbour, daring to defy the British defences, bringing death and destruction to the British Fleet. In silence they appeared… then vanished. They rode on torpedoes, faceless phantoms of the deep. Who were they? All the British knew was that the situation was desperate and […]

Into The Attack

Issue Number: 5610

Commanded by Lieutenant Terry Horton, the sleek motor torpedo boat sped into the attack, guns blazing and torpedoes ready to launch at the German convoy ahead. But he didn’t just have the enemy to contend with, for in this crack flotilla there was another skipper who was doing his best to blacken Terry’s name —and […]

Hitler’s Double

Issue Number: 5560

On Monday, April 30th, 1945, Adolf Hitler the Nazi tyrant and warlord died in his concrete shelter deep under Berlin. At least, most people believed that. But one man who didn’t was Commando Sergeant Joe Dawson. For Joe and his men claim they kidnapped Hitler in Poland and started to smuggle him across Europe towards […]

The Golden Eagle

Issue Number: 5514

Before he became a Commando, Joe Doran had been a thief, a very clever and successful thief. Now inaction in Nazi‑occupied Norway, he had got his hands on a gold statuette encrusted with jewels, something that would bring him an enormous amount of money. Could he resist the temptation to keep it?   Story: Bernard […]