Dawn Strike

What do you do when you want a Spitfire as badly as Pilot Officer Tim Mitcham? YOU STEAL ONE. Story: Clegg Art: Amador Cover: Sanfeliz
What do you do when you want a Spitfire as badly as Pilot Officer Tim Mitcham? YOU STEAL ONE. Story: Clegg Art: Amador Cover: Sanfeliz
The Spits and the Hurris couldn’t get near the pilotless V1 flying bombs. So the Typhoons and the Tempests were rushed into the air. They did the job and were just getting their breath back when another menace appeared in the sky. A new jet, with a pilot this time. A plane they couldn’t touch, […]
It’s hard to leave a mate in the lurch, especially when he’s wounded and behind German lines. It’s hard to forget he ever existed, even when you’re waging war against the hated Nazis. That’s the spot Eric Carlsson and Chris Borge, two Norwegians who’d escaped to fly for the RAF, were in. They planned and […]
In a locked steel cabinet in a Bomber Command office was asecret file which grew thicker every week. Recorded in that document was a baffling tale of mystery —an amazing list of British bombers which had vanished without a trace over the Italian Alps. What had happened to them? Among those icy peaks there were […]
When you piloted a fast photo‑recce Spitfire, you had no guns to get you out of trouble —only your own flying ability and the speed of that wonderful aircraft. And among the most daring of these super pilots was Squadron Leader Roddy Duffield, who had the cool cheek to stick the nose of his unarmed […]
Corporal Tom Gerrard of the Royal Tank Corps was just an ordinary bloke, easy‑going and cheerful. Colonel Karl Oberth of the Tenth Panzer Division was a typical Nazi officer, brutal and unforgiving. Somewhere on the limitless, scorching inferno of the Western Desert, Fate decided that their tank tracks should cross. Story: Eric Castle Art: […]
Mike Boyd cursed his luck. He’d sworn to prove himself a better pilot than his greatest rival, Ian Harper, yet here he was dangling helplessly from his parachute and being guarded by a Curtiss Tomahawk piloted by… guess who? Yep, that man Harper! Story: Staff Art: Amador Cover: Ian Kennedy
Somewhere in a barren range of hills in the desert, two pilots had just been shot down. One was British, the other Italian. Both were aces, two of the finest fliers ever to grace the skies of North Africa. Each was determined to get the other. Many times, they had duelled in the air. And […]
In a rubber dinghy tossing about in the English Channel, ace R.A.F. pilot, Nick Nichols, told – for the first time – the truth about the day he shot down a British Hurricane in cold blood. It was some story… Story: McOwan Art: Amador Cover: Sanfeliz
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