Tag Archives: RAF

In for the Kill

Issue Number: 5616

The young pilot officer could hardly believe his ears. But there was no mistaking the grim seriousness on the face of the Air Commadore, no question that he meant exactly what he had said…“I want you to go over to France and kill my son.”   Story: Gentry Art: Gordon C Livingstone Cover: Ian Kennedy […]


Issue Number: 5608

The B-29 Superfortress was the heaviest aircraft of the Second World War. It was designed for high-altitude bombing and it carried a crew of a dozen men. So what the heck was this one doing dodging around over an enemy airfield at zero feet with only a couple of blokes on board? Well, this wasn’t […]

Night of the Gorgons

Issue Number: 5589

Historians mark the Dodecanese campaign as one of the last major German victories of World War Two. What the history books fail to mention is that Allied and German forces were not the only aggressors active in that region in September 1943. For something far older and deadlier than the Luftwaffe stalked the skies above […]

Ghoul Squad 2: Footprints in the Snow

Issue Number: 5583

The Ghoul Squad are back! This time they’re tasked with a search and rescue mission in the French Alps after an RAF reconnaissance plane crashes in the snowy peaks. But can the survivors live long enough to be rescued? With Nazi captors, deadly blizzards, and something only from legends stalking them on the extreme slopes, […]

Unwilling Heroes

Issue Number: 5582

They were two men, a soldier and a pilot, who had risked their lives once to try to rescue a stranded airman from the merciless desert. Yet far from being awarded any medals they had found themselves being punished for disobeying orders. From then on they vowed never to stick their necks out again —but […]

The Sand-Devils

Issue Number: 5576

Dawn broke over the sandy wastes of the North African desert, and the air shuddered with the roar of engines as one by one the sleek Martin Marauder bombers swept into the air. Each plane was loaded with nearly two tons of bombs, and they were crewed by some of the crack pilots of Bomber […]

Jack’s Private War

Issue Number: 5575

“A splinter of metal is lodged in your heart. If it moves, you will die.” These words struck Flight Lieutenant Jack Hammond like a hammer blow. His immediate thought was to lie still, keep quiet, not move. But then he reasoned — if I’ve got to go, I might as well go out fighting! It […]