Tag Archives: Skentleberry

Common Foe

Issue Number: 5400

Strange things — very strange things — happen in the desert under the hot blazing sun which saps people’s strength and attacks their minds with savage hammer blows of heat. Take the day, for instance, when British and German soldiers, fierce enemies the previous day, stood shoulder to shoulder, guns blazing, to fight back a […]

War Eagle

Issue Number: 5396

Major Roger Saunders, CO of a British Army unit fighting it out high in the Italian mountains against suicidal Germans, was worried. Sergeant Bill Drake, his best NCO, seemed to be going soft in the head. He’d been telling some far-fetched stories of how a savage eagle could hear his thoughts and anything he asked […]


Issue Number: 4932
The Lost Army

Strange things happen in the African desert — especially in the “Region of Devils”. But these three lost L.R.D.G. soldiers had never seen anything as weird as this…being helped in their desperate mission by Persian soldiers straight from the pages of history 2000 years ago. “Prof”, Jack and Duncan didn’t know whether to be glad […]