Tag Archives: J. Fuente

Hide and Seek

Issue Number: 5732

They called it “Monte Morte”— Mountain of Death. Dark and brooding, its mighty bulk towered over the plains of central Italy. It had claimed many lives over the years of peacetime, but that was nothing to what was to happen on its slopes when war came. And two men — one British, one Italian — […]

Hong Kong Hooky

Issue Number: 5500

Ask anybody who helped defend Hong Kong against the great tidal wave of Japanese soldiers near the end of December 1941, and they’ll tell you all about “Hong Kong Hooky”. A Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander whose ship was sunk by the Japanese, Hooky was put in charge of a bunch of military scruffs released from […]

Tank Tamer

Issue Number: 5464

The British troops crouched low in their trenches as the machine gun bullets and shells erupted all around them on that bare Italian mountain. And nearer and nearer came the massive Nazi tank that was doing all the damage. So the word went out —“Find Sergeant Dave Taylor. He’ll fix ‘em.” For Dave was the […]

Iron Cross Tommy

Issue Number: 5392

Dick Clark was a fully-trained British Commando. He could put a bullet through the target every time, fight savagely with bare hands or a knife — and win! He was the kind of man who would strike fear into an enemy’s heart. How then did he end up in German uniform, the toast of the […]


Issue Number: 4964
Yankee Buddy - cover by Cortiella

When one lone Commando was transferred to the U.S. Marines, every eye was on him from the moment they hit the Japanese-held beaches. How was his shooting? How was his nerve? Did he know his stuff? Every bullet-lashed yard was a testing ground for Commando Jacky Dean, who carried the proud reputation of all the […]


Issue Number: 4932
The Lost Army

Strange things happen in the African desert — especially in the “Region of Devils”. But these three lost L.R.D.G. soldiers had never seen anything as weird as this…being helped in their desperate mission by Persian soldiers straight from the pages of history 2000 years ago. “Prof”, Jack and Duncan didn’t know whether to be glad […]