Tag Archives: Vicente Alcazar

Ride For Your Life!

Issue Number: 5751

It was a dangerous job being a dispatch rider during World War I — and didn’t Corporal Gareth Batley know it! He and his partner were delivering messages when they found themselves caught up in a massive German offensive on the British line. Well, if Batley wants to survive, he better move fast and ride […]

The Spy of Sweslik Castle

Issue Number: 5719

In the Bavarian mountains perched Sweslik castle. In times past, the castle had been a monastery, but in 1943 it was an impregnable fortress which housed Allied prisoners of war. Its German guards claimed that any and all escape was impossible, and they were determined to keep it that way. For there was a spy […]

3 Company

Issue Number: 5711

In the midst of the ‘Miracle of Dunkirk’, fate throws together three strangers — a soldier, a sailor and a pilot. Surrounded by chaos and tragedy, and each having miraculously survived up until now, the three men point the finger at each other’s branch of the British armed forces for the deaths of their comrades. […]

Commandos vs Zombies 0

Issue Number: 5691

Deep in Nazi-occupied Norway lies a dark forest and a shadowy factory hidden within. Inside its fetid walls, two Nazi doctors work feverishly, tampering with nature itself to create a German soldier like no other — stronger, faster… with an unyielding loyalty to the Third Reich. But what they unwittingly created was something far worse. […]

Birthday Bash

Issue Number: 5659

During the Falklands War, when the lighthouse at Gideon’s Point went dark, British Marines led by Sergeant Steve Dennison were sent in to shed light on the situation. They soon found the area crawling with Argentine soldiers but before they could engage them, the Argentinians vanished out of sight. Where could a whole platoon disappear […]

Free Strike

Issue Number: 5611

Shortly after the Tet Offensive, Sergeant Donnie Michaels leads an elite team through the dense jungles of ’Nam with their new Kit Carson scout —codename “Monty”. But something isn’t quite right as teams Romeo and Juliet are guided through difficult terrain and around fatal booby traps. Tensions are running high, and they know an old […]

Commandos vs Zombies 3

Issue Number: 5587

Something evil is stirring in Scotland. Deep in the bleak woods, hidden among the undergrowth, lies a secret —a bunker door behind which terror breeds. But the bunker is silent. No contact has been made with the people inside for months, and the teams sent to investigate have all disappeared without a trace… the bunker’s […]

Target of Vengeance

Issue Number: 5567

It started in the desert, tracking down the so-called ‘Sahara Sniper’, where LRDG Sergeant Jeff Nicholson lost his best friend in the worst way imaginable. Now, as the Allies make their way through the Italian mountains, medics are being picked off faster than a sniper’s bullet! Can Jeff and a green American crack-shot corporal finally […]