Tag Archives: Paolo Ongaro

Fallen Sabre

Issue Number: 5761

Inspired by true events…   During the ferocious fighting of the air war in Korea, both Allied and Communist forces were desperate to gain any edge in battle. Soviet-built MiG-15s duelled with American F-86 Sabres in the skies known as “MiG Alley” — and they would stop at nothing to capture an enemy aircraft intact! […]

The Viper

Issue Number: 5727

Bacuit Bay, Palawan Island, Philippines, 1944. Imelda Hernandez, nicknamed “The Viper” is a schoolteacher turned guerrilla-commander intent on annihilating the Japanese invasion with her bolo knife and lightning-fast strikes. When deserters of her guerrilla group are captured by the Japanese, Imelda must decide whether to continue on her warpath toward the Japanese soldiers who killed […]

Allies at War

Issue Number: 5717

They were once allies — Britain and France. The two nations’ men standing together, united against the Nazi threat. But everything changed when France was overrun, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered the unthinkable — attack Mers-el-Kebir and sink the French Navy’s ships. Two men were caught in the middle — one British, one French. […]

Helicopter Heist

Issue Number: 5667

Before the war, Leonard Young was an enthusiastic aeronautical engineer who wanted nothing more than to build and design the next great air machine —the helicopter. But when he enlisted, the last thing Leonard expected was to be thrust into action, assisting in the theft of a German prototype aircraft in North Africa! With the […]

The Inferno Bowl

Issue Number: 5629

Monte Cassino. The bulwark of the Gustav line stopped the Allied Advance in its tracks. The fighting there saw some of the bloodiest clashes of the Second World War. But even in the white heat of battle, some engagements created their own mystique. One such was called “The Inferno Bowl”. This is the story of […]

The Buffer

Issue Number: 5603

Chief Petty Officer Michael O’Rourke is a beast of a man with an attitude to match. He could kill a man with the chip on his shoulder — if his anger management issues didn’t get them first. Well, this big man soon finds himself in trouble yet again — only this time his actions have […]