Tag Archives: Paolo Ongaro

Old Dogs

Issue Number: 5531

Known as Operation Folklore, the Air Ministry knew they had to box clever if they wanted to beat the invading Argentinians out of the Falkland Islands. Flying a Canberra under Chilean colours, they would recon the enemy without arousing suspicion. But when the pair operating the aircraft is a reckless, young RAF pilot and the […]

War of the Roses

Issue Number: 5515

Captain George Rose and Kapitan Zur See Helmut Rose had only two things in common —their rank and their shared last name. But in 1941, the pair was destined to meet in the middle of the Atlantic where the wolfpacks and the greyhounds of the sea clashed indesperate conflict. What was about to be witnessed […]

Judas in Jersey

Issue Number: 5479

Everyone thought Billy Cooper was tied to his mother’s apron strings. She wouldn’t let him evacuate the island in 1940, enlist in the British Army, join the island’s resistance, or talk back to the Nazi occupiers. No wonder people thought he was a wet blanket! But everything changed for Billy when an injured commando washed […]

Lions in Burma

Issue Number: 5431

In the deep jungles of Burma, 82nd West African Division Sergeant Obafemi Agbaje and his men rescue Captain James Kinnear from a downed Japanese transport plane. Now they must face the terrors of the wilderness as they try to get back to base with the injured officer. But the relentless Major Higashi and his lackeys […]

Fair Play

Issue Number: 5407

“Prize rules” — the set of maritime laws which require a ship’s crew to send a boarding party to inspect any suspicious merchant vessels. If the merchant ship was found to be carrying cargo bound for the enemy, then the submarine was permitted to sink the vessel — after the merchant crew had been put […]

Code Drop

Issue Number: 5389

Warring siblings Penny and Oliver have parted ways and are soon on opposite sides of the world, doing their bit for the war effort. As Oliver lays waste to Vichy forces in Madagascar with the Commandos, Penny retrieves vital intelligence for the Allies in Normandy. But their fates are inextricably stitched together at the culmination […]