Tag Archives: Penalva

Trail Blazers

Issue Number: 5676

In his first action against the Germans, Lieutenant Guy Morton lowered his head and charged. His men cheered and followed — and that was a shock for Guy, because he’d been sure he was running away from the fight! Deep down, Lieutenant Guy Morton felt he was a coward — and now he had been […]

Flying Frogmen

Issue Number: 5600

No‑one had thought of it before. Frogmen, experts in underwater sabotage, were given training —as parachutists. Now they could fly in at the dead of night, release their ‘chutes as they hit the water, then go about their silent deeds of destruction.   Story: Finley-Day Art: V Fuente Cover: Penalva

Fighting Kid McCoy

Issue Number: 5592

Before the war, the boxing fans packed out halls all over Britain to see Colin ‘Kid’ McCoy win yet another fight with his flashing fists and sparkling footwork. Then war came and Kid found himself in a different kind of fight where you swap bullets instead of punches, and the loser stays down for keeps. […]

Deadly Rendezvous

Issue Number: 5572

Lieutenant Ken Miller and Sergeant Bill Blunden had a most important mission — to give the Germans as much information about the Allied invasion of Europe as possible. Heading into enemy-occupied France on a foggy night in May 1944, the pair had a date with danger to keep. How could they know what lay ahead? […]

The Sword Shall Decide

Issue Number: 5552

High on a sand dune in the fierce heat of the African sun, Sergeant Bill Bradley and Major Otto Schmitt faced each other, armed with deadly swords. These were two men in a struggle so desperate that only one would walk away. The strutting German had no doubt who that would be. Hadn’t he been […]

Flame in the Desert

Issue Number: 5544

Tin Tessie, the Daimler armoured car commanded by Sergeant Ben Holden, wasn’t much to look at. After months in the North African desert, there were more scratches than paint on the car. And the dents would make a sergeant major weep.But every one of those dents told the story of skirmishes with the enemy —all […]

The Fugitives

Issue Number: 5528

On and on, over the endless desert wastes went the thirteen desperate Nazis and their two prisoners, Lieutenant Steve Roland and Brigadier Alan Warren. Normally, a German patrol with two captive British officers would have made for their HQ at top speed. But not these Germans!   Neither Steve nor Warren had the slightest idea […]

Swamp of Terror

Issue Number: 5484

The Nazis defending the town of Gelsenfeld reckoned they were sitting pretty. A treacherous swamp round one side of the town forced the Allies to advance from only one direction —and they had that direction covered by a line of machine‑gun nests. They boasted they could beat off any attack. But they didn’t know they […]