Tag Archives: Penalva

Boy Hero

Issue Number: 5248

Sixteen years old, and wanted for murder! That was the secret Mike Ryan took with him to the army recruiting office, where he told them he was eighteen and had a clean record! Yet this was the lad who became a perfect soldier. This was the kid who became a…   Story: E Hebden Art: […]

Sands of Doom

Issue Number: 5220

It was just a box, metal‑bound and padlocked. It probably contained documents, because an army major was guarding it. But to Sergeant Jim Templeton and his mates it soon became a sinister, hated thing, a prize for which men would cheat and steal – and even kill! Story: RA Montague Art: L Rosell Cover: Penalva

Suicide Squad

Issue Number: 5216

Every operation that Lieutenant Don Lockton sent his platoon into became a disaster. They were flung back with heavy casualties; they blundered into unknown minefields. Everything that could go wrong did, until some of the old hands began to reckon he was sending them to their deaths. So Don made up his mind that if […]

None So Brave

Issue Number: 5212

If there was one thing Nicky Quinn didn’t fancy it was the army. Nicky was a jazz trumpeter and when he and his musicians were called up, he made every effort to stay out of the war. But he wasn’t reckoning on Sergeant Major Jake Bradley – and Bradley had a way of making men […]

Heroes’ Hill

Issue Number: 5144

It wasn’t much of a hill…it didn’t look important but it was a natural observation point that looked out over the Dutch countryside for miles around. And it would make history in its own little way. Lieutenant Sandy Sanderson’s orders were to take the hill in any way possible to cover the oncoming Allied offensive. […]