Tag Archives: Penalva

The Long Walk

Issue Number: 5480

A major general and three brigadiers —that’s enough top brass to keep four regiments polishing their buttons for months. Normally you don’t find officers of that rank anywhere near the front line, but once in the North African Desert, these four VIPs ventured forth —and soon found themselves stranded with Germans all around. Their escape […]

The Long Trek

Issue Number: 5440

His name was Mike Stone. He was a British Army sergeant who’d been stranded in the jungle with four British prisoners — deserters and troublemakers on their way to a military prison in Rangoon. Normally it would have been just a routine job — but this time their route ran through Japanese territory. And Mike […]

Terror Team

Issue Number: 5408

Tom Barton was desperate to get into action, but the Army wouldn’t let him fight. They wanted him to do an office job, not get mixed up with the Nazis. Well, Tom wasn’t having that. Somehow, he would get into the thick of it. So he took another man’s place! But Tom wasn’t to know […]

Sky Raiders

Issue Number: 5404

Only the bravest of the brave and the toughest of the tough served in the Glider Pilot Regiment. Every man was hand-picked, trained to perfection then let loose behind German lines. Why then, was Captain Paul Preston one of this band of heroes? Hadn’t he once saved his own skin by leaving his men to […]

War Eagle

Issue Number: 5396

Major Roger Saunders, CO of a British Army unit fighting it out high in the Italian mountains against suicidal Germans, was worried. Sergeant Bill Drake, his best NCO, seemed to be going soft in the head. He’d been telling some far-fetched stories of how a savage eagle could hear his thoughts and anything he asked […]

Castle Sinister

Issue Number: 5276

Germ warfare — unheard of and undreamt of by most people in 1944. But throughout that year the Nazis were being pushed back on all fronts and getting desperate. In a sinister, gloomy castle in a German forest, scientists had developed what they called the Red Death virus, the most horrible and lethal germ known […]

Nightmare Patrol

Issue Number: 5256

An army clerk turned Commando, that was Sergeant Jeff Ridley. Most of his war had been spent behind a desk — but now he had a gun in his hand and a heartful of courage. It was his first mission as a fighting soldier, and he was really going to let those Jerries know he […]