Tag Archives: Penalva

Mission of No Return

Issue Number: 5104

Twickenham, Murrayfield or Cardiff Arms Park would have cheered them to the echo for their accurate passing. But it wasn’t a rugger ball the paratroopers passed to each other as they dashed across the German line of fire. It was a deadly bazooka shell – and they weren’t playing just to add a few points […]

And Everywhere That Casey Went…

Issue Number: 5096

…His sworn enemy was sure to go. The military policemen stood ankle-deep in the snow at the cross-roads in the Ardennes. Their uniforms, their slouch, and the constant motion of their jaws as they chewed gum marked them clearly as Americans. And that’s just exactly what who any who saw them were meant to think. […]


Issue Number: 4825

Lieutenant Pete Wade was very glad to see the last of Greece. He had seen too many brave men die facing hopeless odds as the Nazis swarmed in with overwhelming numbers. But he wouldn’t have been nearly so pleased if he’d known that he’d be sent back to Greece…by parachute, at dead of night. And […]