Tag Archives: WW2

Danger All Around

Issue Number: 5386

In April 1945, Berlin was the most dangerous city in the world. Surrounded by enemy forces, and under non-stop shelling, it was the last place anyone would want to be. But Captain John Lester was ordered to go into Berlin — and in the wrong uniform too!   Story: McDevitt Art: Philpott Cover: Miller

Black Squadron

Issue Number: 5380

Pinned on a board in every Luftwaffe airfield in Germany was a “Wanted Man” notice: “Wanted for the murder of Major von Dorn — the British pilot who flies a Spitfire bearing the insignia of a red mailed fist.” Adolf Hitler himself would shake the hand of the Nazi pilot who shot down that RAF […]

Four Horsemen

Issue Number: 5375

Gene Danvers has exchanged his busted M8 armour and crew for something a little different in the small town of Hostau, Czechoslovakia. Thousands of Lipizzaner horses have been hoarded by the Nazis and now he must mount a rescue! With the help of a defecting Cossack, a German infantryman and a British POW, he and […]

Convoy Patrol

Issue Number: 5374

Fairey Swordfish flew and fought from many dangerous places during the war, but the most risky of all were the tiny aircraft carriers converted from merchant ships. That’s where Lieutenant Paul Drayton of the Fleet Air Arm found himself, and as if the Focke-Wulf Kondors and the weather weren’t enough to contend with, he was […]


Issue Number: 5370

You’re either brave or you’re not — that’s what most people think. But for generations a golden goblet had been handed down from father to son in the Vaubois family, and with it went the legend that whomever drank from the vessel would suddenly discover a courage he never knew he had. Now, in the […]

Fear the Jackal

Issue Number: 5367

After seeing his entire unit decimated by the Germans, Aussie Sergeant Mick Hutchings won’t let anything stand between him and escaping Greece — not even British Lieutenant Alan Robertson. He doesn’t have to worry for long, though, as a Jerry bomb does the final convincing and Mick drags the injured Tommy officer away with him. But […]

The Secret Heroes

Issue Number: 5366

Family loyalties are often stronger than any other ties. That’s why Olaf Milang couldn’t believe what he was told by resistance workers when he returned home to his native Norway on a secret mission. And even when he was taken to his hometown, he found it hard to accept that his own brother was acting […]