Tag Archives: WW2

Common Foe

Issue Number: 5400

Strange things — very strange things — happen in the desert under the hot blazing sun which saps people’s strength and attacks their minds with savage hammer blows of heat. Take the day, for instance, when British and German soldiers, fierce enemies the previous day, stood shoulder to shoulder, guns blazing, to fight back a […]

Lord of the Vortex

Issue Number: 5399

US Army Nurse Emma Wade was no stranger to wacky adventures but this was a new one… Granted, she hadn’t slept in the thirty hours she’d been at the Anzio beachhead, but it was strange indeed that she found herself tagging along with Rek Starlo, a self-confessed galactic avenger. Stranger still, he was determined to […]

War Eagle

Issue Number: 5396

Major Roger Saunders, CO of a British Army unit fighting it out high in the Italian mountains against suicidal Germans, was worried. Sergeant Bill Drake, his best NCO, seemed to be going soft in the head. He’d been telling some far-fetched stories of how a savage eagle could hear his thoughts and anything he asked […]

Hand of Tyr

Issue Number: 5393

It’s 1944, and as the Allies crash through France, the Germans are finally forced to retreat. But the Nazi Eagle still hangs on with its iron grip, convinced they will ultimately triumph. Major Slater, Captain Williams and their select team, along with the unscrupulous chaplain Edmund Prosser, must travel into the heart of Germany to […]

The Jets from Nowhere!

Issue Number: 5390

The Heinkel 162 jet fighter swept in low over the RAF airstrip, strafing the parked Typhoons and anything that moved. By the time the British had recovered, the enemy machines had disappeared. Patrols were sent out, a German airfield was bombed, but still the jets survived. They had to have a base somewhere, and it […]

Yellow Hero

Issue Number: 5388

Not many men can say they’ve faced a firing squad and lived. Jim Tulley is one who could. But he preferred to forget the day he’d stood up against a wall looking down British rifle barrels. Anyway, he was too busy fighting the war as the Allies pushed into Europe. Too busy, that was, until […]