The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

The Bamboo Cage

Issue Number: 5740

To the crump of grenades and rattle of machine guns that echoed through the Burmese jungle in World War Two, a new sound was added… the twang of bow strings and the hiss of arrows flying through the air. And to the Japanese that sound brought terror. For it meant Captain David Heywood and his […]

Battle Crazy

Issue Number: 5738

Pilot Officer Peter Culver flew his hurricane slowly over a row of parked Me 109s, fired a short burst to let them know he was there, then circled over the Nazi air base, waiting. They’d be coming up for him soon, and the odds would be twenty to one. They would shoot him and his […]

Jet Menace

Issue Number: 5737

The Spits and the Hurris couldn’t get near the pilotless V1 flying bombs. So the Typhoons and the Tempests were rushed into the air. They did the job and were just getting their breath back when another menace appeared in the sky. A new jet, with a pilot this time. A plane they couldn’t touch, […]

Sniper’s Island

Issue Number: 5735

Throughout the South Sea Islands he was known as ‘Big Alec’. Six feet three inches of bronzed, husky, Australian beach-comber, gold prospector and hunter. Big Alec roamed the islands in a tattered shirt, slacks and an old bush hat, his only companion his big game rifle, with its deadly telescopic sight. Then came the Japanese, […]

Fighting Fool!

Issue Number: 5734

As a member of a group of hit-and-run raiders operating behind enemy lines, Corporal Mike Braddon knew a man needed strong nerves and raw courage to survive. But he also had the common sense to realise that charging blindly into battle wasn’t the answer. That’s where he disagreed with Private Joe Russel whose bull-at-the-gate attitude […]

Hide and Seek

Issue Number: 5732

They called it “Monte Morte”— Mountain of Death. Dark and brooding, its mighty bulk towered over the plains of central Italy. It had claimed many lives over the years of peacetime, but that was nothing to what was to happen on its slopes when war came. And two men — one British, one Italian — […]