The Collection

Attention, troops! Here’s where you’ll find out the intel on Commando. The Collection features classic cover images and information about the books, their time periods, settings and the creators involved. Perhaps your favourite artist has drawn the cover or the interior illustrations? We hope you enjoy searching through these special Intelligence files.

The Spy of Sweslik Castle

Issue Number: 5719

In the Bavarian mountains perched Sweslik castle. In times past, the castle had been a monastery, but in 1943 it was an impregnable fortress which housed Allied prisoners of war. Its German guards claimed that any and all escape was impossible, and they were determined to keep it that way. For there was a spy […]

The Line-shooter

Issue Number: 5718

Flying Officer Hubert Shank seemed to be a daring, resourceful character. He’d done everything from motor-racing to smuggling… or so he said. So when he and his crew had to force-land their Whitley in Germany, you could bet Hubert would have a few tricks up his sleeve to aid their escape… if his stories were […]

Wear a Nazi Helmet

Issue Number: 5716

Only three men were left alive in a dug-out on the British front line in Italy, Lieutenant John Regan, his wounded batman and a captured German officer. Nazi soldiers were swarming forward to smash through this weak point. John had no men left to repel them, but he still had one desperate remedy. As the […]

Steer into Danger

Issue Number: 5715

The salty seadogs are back for another oceanic adventure in the Pacific! In mid-December 1943, the Japanese sent a cruiser squadron south to wreak havoc amongst the Allied shipping lanes. But they never counted on the experienced skippers of HMAS Tiger and HMAS Wombat to put a stop to them before too much damage was […]

Rocket Raider

Issue Number: 5714

As the German train emerged from the tunnel, Gaston LeClare pressed the firing button on the weapon he had spent so long developing, and the special rocket flew on its way. Two seconds later, the locomotive was in a thousand pieces and the train was wrecked. The Nazis were totally bewildered by these terrifying attacks […]

Renegade Avenger

Issue Number: 5713

Ken Barrington’s father was disgraced out of the Boer War and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree as Ken’s fiery temper ruins any plans of officer training at Sandhurst. When The Great War breaks out, Ken has no choice but to take the King’s shilling and sign up as a private, working his […]

The Desperate Men

Issue Number: 5712

Cut off far behind enemy lines, you’re fighting to get back to your own troops. For food and ammunition you have to rely on what you can steal, and for transport — well, it’s your own aching feet, for mile after weary mile. Of course, you could always steal a car from the nearest enemy […]

3 Company

Issue Number: 5711

In the midst of the ‘Miracle of Dunkirk’, fate throws together three strangers — a soldier, a sailor and a pilot. Surrounded by chaos and tragedy, and each having miraculously survived up until now, the three men point the finger at each other’s branch of the British armed forces for the deaths of their comrades. […]

The Fortunes of War

Issue Number: 5710

Two men, one English and the other German. The Englishman saved the German from being knifed, then the German saved the Englishman from being shot. Later, each saved the life of the other yet again. They went through a lot together, those two, before the Second World War. And when the war between Britain and […]