Tag Archives: Ferg Handley

The Reporters!

Issue Number: 5041

In 1936, when Spain erupted into a vicious civil war, the world watched through their magnifying glasses. With Hitler and Mussolini supporting the Nationalists and Stalin supporting the Republicans – the war seemed like a practice for the cataclysmic events that were to follow. British reporters, Pete Beckford and Owen Carver, were sent in to […]

Hopper’s War

Issue Number: 5029

When Jimmy Hopper was drafted into the Vietnam war, he decided to become a combat medic – not because it was easy, because he wanted to help people. But Jimmy was unprepared for the horrors of the Vietnam war. The enemy was clever and ruthless with a staunch determination to drive out the Americans. Jimmy […]

The Castle

Issue Number: 5025

Flanked by forests and a vast lake, Castle Falcone stood isolated, the prisoners inside eager for their release. The Third Reich was on its knees but an S.S. Squadron was heading to Castle Falcone – their orders to liquidate the prisoners. No one would have ever expected an unlikely alliance of Germans, Americans and Italians […]

Tank Commander

Issue Number: 5019

The Allies were in crisis. A massive German Blitzkrieg offensive pushed the British forces into a desperate retreat. In the chaos, a Matilda tank crew, led by Sergeant Jack Taylor, was hit hard… Jack was the only survivor. Marooned in a small village, he began to cover the Allied retreat to Dunkirk. That’s when Sergeant […]

The Hill

Issue Number: 5013

January 1968, Vietnam. While the country celebrated the New Year, the Communist North launched a relentless and unyielding Tet Offensive against the South, ignoring the unofficial ceasefire. It was bad timing for four rookie Americans to arrive at their first posting in ‘Nam. Among them was Private Harry Vance, a youngster unsure why America was […]

Patrol Boat Prisoners

Issue Number: 5009

Autumn, 1944, and American was out for blood. In the waters of the western Pacific, three U.S. navy patrol torpedo boats were on the lookout for enemy vessels when they spotted a Yaeyama Minelayer. The Japanese ship was decimated. Scanning the destruction, Lieutenant Mark Murdoch noticed two lone survivors who were soon to become… PATROL […]

Urban Gunners

Issue Number: 5005

American Private Brad Lynch excelled as a gunner, enjoying his role in an anti-tank platoon based in the German countryside. Calm and composed, Lynch hit his targets with ease. But when the platoon received orders to aid infantrymen in the nearby town of Aachen, Lynch lost his cool. Witnessing his friends fall to German snipers, […]

Zero Hour

Issue Number: 5000

Joe Hartley was incredibly proud when his brother, Terry, joined the prestigious British Commandos. But Terry was taken all too soon, captured and killed by a vicious S.S. regiment. Distraught, and desperate to follow in his brother’s footsteps, Joe enlisted. Young and inexperienced, Joe struggled to impress the veteran soldiers in his brigade. And, as […]

The Village

Issue Number: 4995
The Village, cover by Janek Matysiak

By spring, 1945, the Reich’s forces were in full retreat and Allied troops were pushing into Germany. So when Sergeant Matt Geary and his small squadron moved into the small village of Langhirten, he wasn’t expecting much resistance. They took the village from the S.S. battalion easily and they repelled the German’s counterattack with little […]

Mountain Strike

Issue Number: 4985
Mountain Strike, cover by Janek Matysiak

Lieutenant Alan Barkley was tasked with assembling a team to embark on a special ground mission, deep behind enemy lines in Burma. These soldiers would face gruelling conditions, putting their skills to the test, all whilst carrying a 3.7 inch calibre howitzer up treacherous mountain peaks. Rookie medic, Ben Ellis, did not expect to be […]