Tag Archives: Vicente Alcazar

To Win Just Once

Issue Number: 5115

Defeat after defeat. That was all the war seemed like to Private Jimmy Wilson. Defeat on the beaches of Gallipoli, defeat in the trenches at Ypres, and an endless daily game of tug of war – gaining, then losing ground again. A crumpled, dog-eared letter made things worse. Harsh, disappointed words about the repeated ANZAC […]

The Land Army Marches

Issue Number: 5103

Deafening engines rumbled over a small farmhouse in Norfolk. It was not the hum of a healthy plane, and the listeners below knew a crash landing would be imminent. What they didn’t know, and what they dreaded, was whether the aircraft was theirs… or Jerry’s. But, the next morning, when the four young workers of […]

The Crew

Issue Number: 5063

Lieutenant Frank Temple yearned for his own command. He had already served four years aboard the frigate H.M.S. Eagleton, so he was delighted when he was assigned a boat in the Mediterranean sector. Frank had been branded a maverick because of his outlandish opinions on maritime warfare, but now armed with his new Fairmile ‘C’ […]

The Battle To Britain

Issue Number: 5047

Charlie Dayton was no soldier… but that didn’t mean he didn’t know how to fight. Living in New York in 1941, Charlie was hot-tempered and ready to join the war. The only problem was America wasn’t. But that didn’t stop Charlie from hopping on the next cargo ship to England – prepared to help out […]

The Elefant

Issue Number: 5017

1943, on the battlefields of the Steppes of Kursk, the largest tank battle in history occurred. More than 6,000 tanks were involved in the deadly skirmish with over 1,000 tanks taken victim. Oberfeldwebel Heinz Schmitt and his crew were there. After Heinz’s Panzer Mark IV tank was destroyed, it was replaced with a Ferdinand tank […]

The Village

Issue Number: 4995
The Village, cover by Janek Matysiak

By spring, 1945, the Reich’s forces were in full retreat and Allied troops were pushing into Germany. So when Sergeant Matt Geary and his small squadron moved into the small village of Langhirten, he wasn’t expecting much resistance. They took the village from the S.S. battalion easily and they repelled the German’s counterattack with little […]


Issue Number: 4955
Midnight Mission

Flight Sergeant Nick Nolan was a reliable, thoughtful type. He yearned to fly a fighter like a Spitfire or Hurricane but his superiors reckoned he “didn’t have enough fire in his belly”. Nonetheless, he undoubtedly had skills so Nick was selected to transport secret agents and supplies into German-held France. Aboard his Westland Lysander, the […]


Issue Number: 4925
The Flying Cowboy

John “Bronco” Bronson was a ranch hand in Arizona who became interested in fledgling flying machines such as the Wright model B. With World War I at its peak in Europe, the American wanted to do his duty, even though the United States had not yet joined the conflict. He enlisted with the Royal Flying […]


Issue Number: 4907
Tough To Kill

With the German Blitzkreig in full flow, retreating British forces were headed for the evacuation at Dunkirk. Meanwhile, Jimmy Campbell — a tough, impulsive Hurricane pilot who wasn’t so good at following orders — had ended up in the brig to teach him a lesson. His base overrun, Jimmy was determined to fight the enemy […]